Aruna Yoga Teacher Training

In the Aruna Academy you will train to become a 200-hour Yoga Alliance certified Aruna Yoga teacher. This program is for you if you are a serious student wanting to share the teachings of Aruna Yoga with others either in groups or individually as a registered yoga teacher. We are also in the process of registering for a 300-500 hour Yoga Alliance certification.


  • learn all about yoga: from poses, yogic seals (mudrās) and breathing techniques, to developing a personal practice and yogic philosophy
  • develop a practice of Self-enquiry and learn how to integrate this awareness to all aspects of your life
  • learn Kabbalistic tools to apply easily to your life
  • learn how to apply these tools to your body, your emotional states and your life as it unfolds;
  • learn to befriend your emotions and learn how to pass through difficult moments gracefully
  • learn how to activate the innate healing capacity of the body
  • become the highest version of yourself
  • develop skills for vision questing and intention development
  • gain teaching skills and develop skills to work with groups and individuals
  • learn how to teach Golden yoga, to modify practices to suit different body type and states of health
  • learn how to integrate all the tools of Aruna Yoga including Aruna Art Process work and Journalling
  • learn directly with Nicki Forman and receive her personal guidance plus additional mentorship by Aruna graduates
  • be invited to apply to the Aruna Apprenticeship Program to integrate the teachings and gain deeper experience
Watch Intro Video

Course Introduction


Throughout the course, we will go through a profound personal process that will guide you deeper into the Self, with an aim to free you from your limiting ideas, liberate blocked emotions and release any aspect that is somehow keeping you small


This course is suitable for all levels. No Yoga experienced required.


  • €980,00 first payment, €252,00 / year onwards

    Cost of Total Course